Monday, June 3, 2013

Purposes of the 5 senses and the brain.

This blog intends to answer a question of life, as it relates to positive energy and negative energy.  Things that motivate us and things that hinder us.  It answers the question of why we suffer heartache and why we witness miracles.  It answers why some things are pleasurable and other things, undesirable.  My knowledge and advice is mainly an accumulation of information obtained as I seek out wisdom in order to be a better person and actually experience the fruits of life.  If this is you, this blog is for you.  As a precursor, everything in life should be for a positive experience and outcome, with absolutely no negativity, on any level, remaining.  Here's how we get there.

Purpose of the 5 senses

Sight - Your eyes should only be used to see beauty and glory, whether its nature, scenery, accomplishments of a loved one, flowers, colors, people, places and positive things that give you a feeling of positive energy through your examination of what is beautiful, glorious, memorable and positive.

Hearing - This happens on two levels, the conscious (logical) auditory perception and the subconscious (emotional) inner-auditory perception.  Be careful what you hear and how you hear.  Don't listen to non-sense and endless rambling, but tune into motivational words, tune into hearing beautiful sounds through music, nature, and vibrations.  Learn to remove yourself from situations that by hearing, produce a negative outcome, whatever it may be.  Your ears should only tune into the positive, which is its purpose.

Smelling - Oil of incense.  Sweet-smelling savors.  Candles. These are just a few positive pleasurable olfactory necessities in order to maximize your pleasure through the sense of smell.  Any offensive smell should avoided, since it produces some form of negativity.

Taste - For my Christians, the bible says, "O taste and see that Lord is good."  Whatever your religious or spiritual preference or purpose is, this still applies.  You should only be interested in tasting sweetness, flavorful things, and not bitter things.  If the taste gives you a positive rush, taste it and enjoy.  If it makes your face distort, stay away, its not for you to taste.  

Feeling - Ever had a feather-touch body rub?  I won't even ask about sex.  What about a massage?  Have you ever had pain that hurts in a good way?  Do you workout regularly?  All of these things provide purpose for why we feel things.  It's to enjoy, not to make you squirm from creepy crawly things.  Pain can be good, if its positive pain.  Pain that causes negativity should be avoided.

Finally, the Brain - The brain is your hub.  It's the learning area.  Learn what, you might ask.  Learn how to take the inevitable negative sensations and transform them into positive or avoid them all together.  We struggle in life and experience painful sensations, so that our brain can find a way to make it a positive thing.  So the negative has to come.  It has to come to teach us.  We have to learn to grow.  When true wisdom and age is full development, your conscious will only desire that which is positive and produce positive outcomes.  The brain can choose to see the glass as only half full.  The brain is the center of your positive life.

When you tune into what's positive, you will have cracked a code that gives you the secret to living an abundant life.  LonnieBlog